Virtuoso Non-Surgical Laser Lift
Our skin is the first part of our face to age, and Dr. Chesnut’s proprietary Virtuoso Laser Lift serves as the most natural, reliable, and consistent way to address this primary aspect of aging. Freckles and fine wrinkles turn into age spots and deep creases – once that amount of sun damage and aging has occurred, the best way to address it with reliable efficacy is to resurface it. Nothing else can restore collagen, elastin, and reverse sun damage like Dr. Chesnut’s Virtuoso Laser Lift, where he often uses multiple devices for specific targets to achieve optimal results.
Fine, crepey skin on the eyelids, smokers lines or vertical wrinkles around the mouth, skin that has lost its luster and laxity, acne scars and even deep wrinkles can all be treated with properly selected and skillfully performed resurfacing – and in such situations, patient satisfaction is universally high.
Laser resurfacing can be paired with other types of energy devices, PRP, or volumizers to enhance overall results. It is often performed in conjunction with facelift, browlift, or eyelid surgery. Downtime is directly proportional to the amount of correction desires and ranges from 2 days to 2 weeks.