- EnigmaLift - Eye Bag Removal
The eyes have it series, post 65: so many subtle, beautiful touches as part of my EinigmaLift - minimally invasive brow support reshaped the brow and perked up the brow fat pad while taking tension off of her forehead to reduce wrinkles. An upper eyelid restructuring with fat pad transposition restored a crisp, even shape and volume to her upper lids. A scarless lower eye bag removal with fat pad transposition utilized her pre-existing, stem cell rich fat pads to simultaneously reduce her eyebags, eliminate her tear trough, and blur the transition from lid to cheek. Stem cell rich fat transfer volumized multiple areas of her face, subtly, to add strength and structure to her temples, cheek, lower face, jawline, around her mouth and smile lines. A customized cocktail of lasers restructured and strengthened her skin, reduced wrinkles and evened out pigmentary discrepancies.
These are my favorite types of results utilizing some of my favorite constellations of procedures - especially to give to a patient as wonderful as she is!