- Revision Surgery
Facial trauma revision - Over 60 years ago as a young boy this man had significant facial trauma that resulted after a bite injury from the family dog. The injury to his eyelid was most significant, and over that 60 year time frame he had several prior surgeries that had failed to correct the issue with his lower lid.
When we first met each other, he was incredibly kind but had very little hope that we could help him at this point. With age, the function of his compromised lid continued to decline, threatening his eye, and symptoms were becoming more bothersome.
Revision surgeries are always a challenging undertaking, and with fortunate timing I had just published a paper on managing this same issue, called ectropion, resulting from surgical procedures! Repaired his medial punctal ectropion with a combination of a lateral canthoplasty, medial punctoplasty and medial spindle procedure. Here you see him nine months after surgery with complete resolution of his symptoms and lower eyelid function! #EyelidExpert