- Revision Surgery
Revision series, post 19: incredibly intricate and complex eyelid revision with subtle and symmetrical results. After a prior blepharoplasty, you’ll notice that her right eyebrow is elevated, while her right eyelid margin, where the lashes sit, is a bit droopy, called ptosis, which was unaddressed prior. You will also notice that the lower eyelid margin sits below the blue portion of her eyes on both sides, you can see white underneath her blue iris, which is called scleral show and a sign of lower eyelid retraction from the prior procedure as well. These details are a matter of tenths of millimeters, and correcting them involves a lot of intricate work for those subtle changes. The results you see here are a combination of minimally invasive brow support to even her brows, repair of the eyelid ptosis, and lower lid support via a minimally invasive mid face lift with lower lid tightening to improve her scleral show. You can see how this also makes her eye bags at her lid – cheek junction look better.